Amazon Cleaning Refund Policy: How to Get Your Money’s Worth

While Amazon Cleaning’s service is non-refundable, we understand that things might not always go according to plan. Here’s what our policy covers:

  • Inspection Window: If there are any areas you’re unhappy with, address them with the cleaning crew during the final walkthrough. We’ll be happy to fix anything on the spot.
  • 24-Hour Re-clean Guarantee: If you notice any issues within 24 hours of your cleaning, Amazon Cleaning will send the crew back out free of charge to re-clean those areas.
  • Beyond 24 Hours: If you report an issue after 24 hours, we can only fix service-related problems until your next scheduled cleaning.

Additional tips to ensure a smooth cleaning experience:

  • Communicate Clearly: Before your cleaning, be sure to clearly communicate your expectations to the cleaning crew. This will help to avoid any misunderstandings.
  • Do a Walk-through: Take the time to do a walk-through with the crew leader at the end of the cleaning to point out anything that needs to be addressed.